Federal Registers
- 1982.101 - 11/09/2015 - 80:69115-69138 - Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the National Transit Systems Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act - PDF
- 1982.101(d) - 10/13/2016 - 81:70607-70626 - Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under Section 1558 of the Affordable Care Act - PDF
- 1982.101(d) - 09/15/2016 - 81:63396-63414 - Procedures for the Handling of Retaliation Complaints Under the Employee Protection Provision of the Seaman's Protection Act, as Amended - PDF
- 1982.101(d) - 04/02/2014 - 79:18630-18644 - Procedures for Handling Retaliation Complaints Under the Employee Protection Provision of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 - PDF